Saturday, November 19, 2011

My First Post - Angel

I have so many ideas in my mind that I am not sure what should I start with. Since I met Marysia, i.e. 4 months 3 days, 4 hours and about 20 minutes my life changed so much... This was basically the best time of my life. Marysia gave me everything I've ever dreamed about and even more. Now I cannot imagine my life without her. She is everything to me. She is pretty, intelligent, wise, sensitive, kind, friendly, cheerful, sincere, loyal, natural, emotional, honest ... just amazing ... she really has a pure heart, a heart that is full of love. I could not imagine I could meet a better person. I feel that our love is real.

These 8 thousand kilometres that seperates makes our relationship a challange, I cannot deny it. But I am very happy with her and I can feel her as if she always was with me. I can always feel her in my heart, because every beat it does, it is for her, only her. I love her with all my heart, mind, soul and body. I feel that this blog will make our love even better, stronger... 

I hope this blog will be an inspiration for all the people that doubt in this kind of relationship. Even though I am still not sure what we will post in here and if anybody will visit it except for Us, I feel that this is something special, something that Marysia fully deserves. As well as anything,  simply anything in this world. I feel so lucky to have her in my life and I want to give her everything I can to make her happy, secure and good. I want to see a smile on her face to the end of my days...

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