Thursday, November 24, 2011

A day to thank YOU for being MINE

Today was Thanksgiving :) Another Thanksgiving I spend here and another year I have a million things in my life to be thankful for. But this year is a special one. I have YOU! As I have told you many times you changed my life and thanks to you I live happily every day :) You are my happiness and my strength and nothing would be the same without you. Not even a fight can change this. Instead, each fight makes us stronger and they let us know more about each other. Our relationship becomes more special and stronger every day and I am sure it will continue to be like that :)

Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for being by my side when I need you the most.
Thank you for being my strength.
Thank you for being my motivation.
Thank you for being my light in the dark.
Thank you for being my other half.
Thank you for being my perfect match.
Simply thank you for being YOU, MI BEBE.

I love you more than ever.

Your Marysia.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011


You are my happiness
You are my strength
You are my reason to live
You are my motivation
You are my support
You are my soul
You are my love
You are my world
You are my angel
You are my baby
You are YOU, just YOU.

I love you because of that.

Your Marysia.

Buenas noches mi amor :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My First Post - Angel

I have so many ideas in my mind that I am not sure what should I start with. Since I met Marysia, i.e. 4 months 3 days, 4 hours and about 20 minutes my life changed so much... This was basically the best time of my life. Marysia gave me everything I've ever dreamed about and even more. Now I cannot imagine my life without her. She is everything to me. She is pretty, intelligent, wise, sensitive, kind, friendly, cheerful, sincere, loyal, natural, emotional, honest ... just amazing ... she really has a pure heart, a heart that is full of love. I could not imagine I could meet a better person. I feel that our love is real.

These 8 thousand kilometres that seperates makes our relationship a challange, I cannot deny it. But I am very happy with her and I can feel her as if she always was with me. I can always feel her in my heart, because every beat it does, it is for her, only her. I love her with all my heart, mind, soul and body. I feel that this blog will make our love even better, stronger... 

I hope this blog will be an inspiration for all the people that doubt in this kind of relationship. Even though I am still not sure what we will post in here and if anybody will visit it except for Us, I feel that this is something special, something that Marysia fully deserves. As well as anything,  simply anything in this world. I feel so lucky to have her in my life and I want to give her everything I can to make her happy, secure and good. I want to see a smile on her face to the end of my days...

My First Post - Marysia.

For weeks I have been waiting for this moment. Now I can finally tell the world how fortunate I feel to have such a wonderful man in my life: mi angel! Every day I feel I am living inside my most perfect dream with the most perfect man. I can close my eyes and feel him by my side. I can feel his hands caressing me, his arms around me protecting me, his smell... I can feel his love. He knows he changed my life. I feel I also changed his.

As every girl in the planet, I can say that of course I spent my childhood playing with dolls and wishing I could meet my perfect prince. That tall man with beautiful eyes and a great smile. I mean... who hasn't done that?! Then I stopped to be a child and reality hit me. Those games from 10 years ago were just that... games and dreams. All I could wish for was a guy that could love me, accept me, and respect me. But I never imagined what life had prepared for me...

How to say it... simply, I feel like a little girl again! Every day I live in a fairy tale with my charming prince! And yes, he is tall, hot and has beautiful eyes. What else can I ask for? Did I mention he is super hot? No seriously, I cannot wish for nothing else but for this love to keep growing and growing. The best part is that I know it will be like that. The more I get to know him the more I fall in love. I know nobody is perfect, but all I can tell you is that mi angel is closer than he thinks.

I just want to end by thanking you mi angel for coming to my life. Thank you for giving love a new meaning. Thank you for being my support and my strength. Thank you for making my dreams come true. Thank you for just being YOU.


PS: Look at our city and bring back all those beautiful memories that will rest forever in our hearts.